SAP Basis Analysis and reflection of the existing system configuration - SAP Corner

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Analysis and reflection of the existing system configuration
Employee entries and exits
This option is useful if several transactions are to be checked simultaneously for their existing assignment to a particular user. This variant must first identify all roles that have already been assigned to the user. This is done in the transaction SE16N by entering the table AGR_USERS. In addition, the limit of the maximum hit number can be set in this image. The user concerned must now be entered here. Furthermore, the output should be limited to the roles only. After the query is executed, all the roles assigned to the previously entered user are displayed. These are now completely marked and copied. Then in the transaction SE16N a step back is taken and this time the table AGR_1251 is selected. Now all the roles that have been copied previously are inserted here. In addition, the object S_TCODE and the transactions to be searched for are filtered. Warning: When entering transaction codes, be sure to be case-sensitive! At this point, the output can also be limited to the roles and object values (in this case, the transactions). After the query is executed, the transactions entered will now show those that the user can already perform. In addition, the role assigned to the transaction is shown. In conclusion, the SUIM is only partially suitable for identifying certain transactions with user assignment. Although the search using the S_TCODE permission object also allows you to view multiple transactions. However, since the result is missing the assignment of transactions considered to roles, the SUIM transaction can only be usefully used to check a single transaction for its existing assignment to a particular user.

The SAP Basis Plug-In is backward compatible and follows the release and maintenance strategy of the SAP R/3 Plug-In. SAP ships it together with the SAP R/3 Plug-In.
WE09 IDoc search for business content
The following folders on the system will then be completely deleted: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SAP Shared\BW delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Delete SAP C:\Program Files\SAP This completes the CleanUp phase. Install new version SAP GUI and Bex (BI Addon) The first step is to install SAP GUI and Business Explorer (Bex). Please select and install the following in the installer (see screenshot): SAP GUI Suite under SAP GUI for Windows (=Frontend) Business Explorer complete The progress bar often stays at about 93%. It takes a few minutes to complete the installation.

Furthermore, the DISPLAY system variable must be set in order to start the TREX admin tool. Details and a guide to installing the tool can be found here: instguides → SAP NetWeaver → Released 04 → Installation → Cross-NW → Installation Guide Search and Classification TREX.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.

To change the access permissions, you can use the command "chmod 664 K12345.DEV".

If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website

The fascinating thing is that there have been hardly any changes to the SAP installation program SAPinst during this time.
SAP Corner
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