SAP Basis Backup/restore and disaster recovery - SAP Corner

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Backup/restore and disaster recovery
Analysis and elimination of technical problems in the SAP Basis environment under the platforms ORACLE and Windows
Database layer: The database layer contains a database server on which all the data of the SAP ERP system is managed. This includes the database management system (DBMS for short) and the actual dataset. The dataset includes user data and data tables as well as applications and system control tables.

As a member of the SAP Basis specialist team, your responsibilities will include the design, operation, administration, support and installation of an extensive SAP system landscape with over 50 systems for 17 universities and 2 institutions in Lower Saxony. Furthermore, you will monitor the SAP system landscape as well as its interfaces to external systems and carry out measures within the scope of software lifecycle management (e.g. note maintenance, support stacks, release upgrades) and change management (e.g. hardware migration, transport system and documentation). As part of the SAP Basis team, you will be the contact person for organizational and technical questions of the universities and in 3rd-level support for user inquiries.
How CodeProfiler for ABAP works
The 5 most common errors in SAP test management In this blog post I would like to discuss the 5 most common errors in SAP test management, which in my experience occur regularly in this area. I hope that with this I can give you some guidance so that you can avoid these mistakes. No test management Quite simple. You have complex SAP software in use or are just introducing a new module tailored to your company, but the test process plays a subordinate role and tests take place only sporadically and unstructured? Then you have already made the first mistake. To ensure high software quality, avoid hidden consequential error costs and consciously plan for a test period instead of the risk of time bottlenecks, a methodical approach should be planned. Too much testing If you have decided to introduce test management, you need to weigh up the resources required for this. A large amount of testing quickly pushes the cost-benefit ratio into the realm of inefficiency, because the time required for testing drives up costs. On the other hand, the test quality should of course be high. Therefore, a structured and comprehensive approach is of high importance. Basically, you should make sure that the costs for the test effort do not exceed the average of the consequential failure costs.

In order to meet the growing integration and coordination between internal IT departments and external service providers and suppliers, it is necessary to include a company-wide interface department in the IT organisation. The SAP basis can assume the coordination role and interface function in the environment of SAP products and technologies.

Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".

However, this is very time-consuming and puts a strain on the expert himself.

SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:

Mining is a process in a decentralised system to build consensus.
SAP Corner
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