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SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe
This is where all the system's data resides. These are composed of the actual database and the DBMS, the "database management system". In earlier versions, the database here came from different manufacturers. For example, Microsoft SQL or Oracle. Since SAP HANA, a lot has changed for IT in this data layer. This is because the database comes from SAP itself and is automatically monitored by the system. There is more to this database layer than just the working data. Important elements such as the configuration tables and system data for control and application content are also stored here. This is the repository data used by applications.

SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of the SAP Basis system. The SAP Basis system is like an operating system for R/3 as well as S/4. Every operating system, such as Windows, provides an environment in which programs developed for that environment can run, such as MS Office. Likewise, the SAP Basis system provides an environment in which SAP programs can run. In any R/3 or S/4 system, there is a database server, such as HANA, where the database resides. It provides the necessary data to all other applications. The data here is not only data tables, but also applications, system control tables and user data.
SAP GUI Patches / Hotfixes
There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: CANNOT_SKIP_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD: The attributes cannot be read in the OCS file. The file probably cannot be opened for reading because it has been deleted in the meantime, or the permissions at the operating system level are insufficient. CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL: The OCS file does not exist in the EPS inbox; presumably it was deleted.

A customized cloud for the most diverse requirements of medium-sized companies is an important backbone for business success. For this purpose, we accompany digitization projects of our customers from a wide range of industries on an equal footing.

Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.

There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: CANNOT_GET_OBJECT_LIST: The Object List for a Support Package could not be found because the Support Package does not exist.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

Now, if you have all of this available, we can start with the import: What is the procedure? Operating System Level Preparation.
SAP Corner
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