SAP Basis Default Scenario - SAP Corner

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Default Scenario
SWPM - the Software Provisioning Manager integrates the classical tools like sapinst, ehpup, etc for the maintenance/installation of SAP systems
Different events can be used to change to the new or changed role concept. Among other things, the introduction of new technologies can be used to establish, for example, the characteristics of the SME or technology architect. But also fluctuation or new hires are suitable for the conversion and establishment of the new roles. In principle, it is recommended that the new rollers be introduced and implemented successively parallel to the existing operating model.

SAP Basis is structured as a classic three-tier model. It contains the following components: Database layer (relational database management system) / Application layer (application server and message server) / Presentation layer (graphical user interface).
Application layer: The application layer is the core of an R/3 SAP Basis system. This layer communicates in both directions, to the presentation layer and to the database layer. The application programs on the application servers request the required data from the database layer, process it, prepare it for the user and pass it on to the presentation layer. Data that the user enters in the SAP GUI is passed on to the database via the application servers.

The past ten years have primarily revolutionized the infrastructure and database layer. The fascinating thing is that there have been hardly any changes to the SAP installation program SAPinst during this time.

Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".

The full form of BASIS is "Business Application Software Integrated Solution".

SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:

These can be found in the RSBASIDOC source system connection table Field Description I_BIW_LOGSYS The logical name of the BW system.
SAP Corner
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