Detect bottlenecks
Installation/upgrade of SAP systems based on HANA Platform
If you now want to change the permission data, you will be asked for values for the appropriate organisation levels. First enter a tilde (~) and define the value later in the derived roles. Maintain the permissions you want and then generate the master role. Adding the organisational level to the master role Step 2: Define derived roles Create derived roles Assign the master role After you have created the master role, it is the derived roles that are in the process. To do this, re-enter a suitable role name via the PFCG. In our example, it is called "findepartment_d01". For a better overview, it is usually useful to name and number the derivatives after the master roles. You can also define the roles according to a different scheme. After you have created the role, you must then enter the master role in the Derive from Role field in the Description tab. Confirm the Auto Enquiries. Customise the Organisation Levels Now go to the "Menu" tab. There you can see that the data from the master role was automatically copied. Since the role has not yet been generated, the Permissions tab is currently highlighted in red. Therefore, call "Change Permissions Data". The first call should automatically open a dialogue to maintain the organisational levels, as they are still empty. If this is not the case, or if you would like to adjust the organisational levels again in a later case, you can also access them via the button Ordende (see screenshot). If everything worked well, you can now see that the permissions were also automatically taken from the master role. If you generate the role, the permission tab will also appear green. Congratulations, you have successfully created a derived role! Repeat step 2 with the additional derivatives to adjust the organisation levels accordingly.
SAP Basis is the foundation of every SAP system. On this page you can find out what is behind the term and what SAP Basis is responsible for in detail.
Security management, system audits, hardening and monitoring
User name without restrictions - critical? Depending on the release of the SAP_BASIS component in your system, invisible special characters may end up in the user name. This is especially critical if only spaces or alternate spaces are used for the user name when creating a new user. In Unicode systems, "alternative" spaces, so-called "wide spaces", can be used in addition to the normal space character (hexadecimal value 20). For example, the key combination "ALT+0160" can be used to insert non-breaking spaces. If a user is now created whose user name consists exclusively of such alternative spaces, this can be confusing. This is because entries for this user ID do appear in change documents, but the impression is created that the entry was created by a non-existent / deleted user. This circumstance can lead to confusion. In addition, certain special characters in the user name can also lead to errors, for example in the Change and Transport System (CTS). This is because the user name is also used in the CTS-ORG to create a file with the same name in the transport directory. Furthermore, there are letters/characters that look identical in different alphabets, but have a different hexadecimal value in the character set. This means that confusion in user names cannot be completely ruled out. Seemingly identical user names then stand for different users.
Companies face a major challenge. The world is not going digital, but it is already. The age of digitisation and the related technological changes, as well as the demands of customers, bring new opportunities and new challenges for companies. In addition, the product strategy is changing, including that of SAP. In order to achieve the associated goals of the company and to implement them as effectively and efficiently as possible, the SAP basis must contribute to the design of an IT roadmap and to the design of the digitisation and also cloud strategy. A detailed review of the IT Roadmap recommendation is carried out within the master thesis in chapter 7.9.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.
Since the release of SAP HANA, SAP has worked to simplify the system.
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
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