Documentation and training
Supervision, monitoring SAP® and interface systems
In order to ensure the stability of the systems and to reduce the risk through proprietary developments, release and patch management must be implemented. Standardised procedures can help to introduce proprietary developments, such as test strategies or service level agreements (SLAs). It is also important to align the productivity setting of customer applications with the maintenance windows and RTO (Recovery-Time-Objective).
The presentation layer is the top layer of the R/3 SAP Basis system and includes the communication with the user. Here, the data is graphically prepared for the user on the end device by means of software components from the application programs of the application layer. The presentation layer is the interface to the user (SAP GUI).
In order to cope with the digital transformation in general, but also to cope with the changing demands on the SAP basis and its scope of responsibility, it is necessary to revise existing roles and define and establish new roles. These include the roles of the technology architect, new features of the Subject Matter Expert (SME), and the role of the Expert Team Lead in leading a group of experts. Further information can be found in chapter 7.1 and 9.3 of the Master's thesis.
SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of the SAP Basis system. The SAP Basis system is like an operating system for R/3 as well as S/4. Every operating system, such as Windows, provides an environment in which programs developed for that environment can run, such as MS Office. Likewise, the SAP Basis system provides an environment in which SAP programs can run. In any R/3 or S/4 system, there is a database server, such as HANA, where the database resides. It provides the necessary data to all other applications. The data here is not only data tables, but also applications, system control tables and user data.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
In the case of services, this is often accompanied by the aspect of personnel policy.
The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.
This step prompts you to customise your modifications to Repository objects by calling the transaction SPAU.