SAP Basis Downloading and installing SAP GUI (FrontEnd) for Windows - SAP Corner

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Downloading and installing SAP GUI (FrontEnd) for Windows
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The Queue determines which support packages are inserted into your system in which order by the SAP Patch Manager. If the queue is not yet fully defined, you must define the queue from the available support packages. If the Queue is already fully defined, it is only displayed; they no longer have the ability to change the selection. However, you can delete the queue completely with Queue [page 37]. Note that your system is inconsistent when you delete the queue after objects have been imported (for example, after an error in the DDIC_IMPORT step and following). The deletion in these SPAM steps should only be used for troubleshooting and you should repeat the insertion of the support packages as soon as possible. The SPAM transaction ensures that only support packages that match your system are displayed in the queue. Support packages intended for another release or an uninstalled add-on will not appear in the queue, even if they are loaded into your SAP system. For more information, see Rules for the Queue [page 19]. You must define the queue before you insert support packages. Prerequisites You have loaded the appropriate support packages with the SPAM into your SAP system [page 15]. Procedure To define a queue, select View/Define SPAM on the entry screen of the transaction. The Select Component dialogue box appears. You will see the list of installed software components (e.g. SAP_BASIS, SAP_HR, SAP_BW, Add-On). Select the desired component. You see the available queue. This queue contains the support packages available for the selected component in your system, and any required Conflict Resolution Transports (CRT), as well as associated Add-On Support Packages. You can: If the queue you see matches your wishes, you can accept the queue with Queue confirm and leave this selection window.

SAP Basis Operation is responsible for ensuring the technical functionality of an SAP system. It includes all the technical components mentioned above. These are used to perform the following tasks:
Double stack split
The Advanced Memory thus contains mainly user contexts of different work processes, if these cannot be loaded completely into the roll area. Since the storage area is accessible for all work processes, the work processes can also access external user contexts that lie here. In addition, the Advanced Memory contains a global area where data can be stored independently of user contexts. The extended memory size is determined by the values of em/initial_size_MB and em/global_area_MB. The first parameter determines the size of the storage area in which user contexts can be stored, and the second determines the size of the global area. Parameters for Private Storage Last but not least, there is the private storage, which is only used when the user context of a work process has used up all the other storage areas available to it, i.e. its share of the extended memory and its rolling area. In this case, the workprocess goes into PRIV mode. A workprocess in private mode is bound to its current user context and will not become free for other tasks until the current request is completed. If it has used up all the private memory allocated to it, the workprocess will then be restarted and the memory released. This behaviour is controlled with the abap/heaplimit parameter. At times, the user context may exceed the value of abap/heaplimit. The parameters abap/heap_area_total, abap/heap_area_dia and abap/heap_area_nondia define an upper limit for private storage. The abap/heap_area_total parameter defines how much private storage all workprocesses can use in total. The parameters abap/heap_area_dia and abap/heap_area_nondia, on the other hand, determine how much private storage a single (non-)dialogue workprocess can use.

This presentation takes place via a graphical user interface (GUI). This is where users read required information and enter new data into the system.

For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.

Now select the applications / tabs to which the group should be accessed (with CTRL you can select several) and select the Grant button.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

Further details on the recommendation can be found in the Master's thesis in chapters 7.5 and 9.3.
SAP Corner
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