Dumps, system logs
Willingness to undergo further training
This option is useful if several transactions are to be checked simultaneously for their existing assignment to a particular user. This variant must first identify all roles that have already been assigned to the user. This is done in the transaction SE16N by entering the table AGR_USERS. In addition, the limit of the maximum hit number can be set in this image. The user concerned must now be entered here. Furthermore, the output should be limited to the roles only. After the query is executed, all the roles assigned to the previously entered user are displayed. These are now completely marked and copied. Then in the transaction SE16N a step back is taken and this time the table AGR_1251 is selected. Now all the roles that have been copied previously are inserted here. In addition, the object S_TCODE and the transactions to be searched for are filtered. Warning: When entering transaction codes, be sure to be case-sensitive! At this point, the output can also be limited to the roles and object values (in this case, the transactions). After the query is executed, the transactions entered will now show those that the user can already perform. In addition, the role assigned to the transaction is shown. In conclusion, the SUIM is only partially suitable for identifying certain transactions with user assignment. Although the search using the S_TCODE permission object also allows you to view multiple transactions. However, since the result is missing the assignment of transactions considered to roles, the SUIM transaction can only be usefully used to check a single transaction for its existing assignment to a particular user.
Information technology plays an even more important role in the age of digitalisation. Innovation without IT is unimaginable. But it is not just technology itself, but also how it is delivered that matters. The SAP basis sees itself as a partner and contact for new SAP technologies. Further details on the recommendation can be found in the Master's thesis in chapters 7.5 and 9.3.
For simple system environments, simple batch jobs are often sufficient
Mentioning the SUM tool leads us to another part of SAP Basis: system updates and upgrades. Since SAP software receives updates from SAP at regular intervals - in the case of R/3 in the form of SPS (Support Package Stacks) and in the case of S/4HANA in the form of FPS (Feature Pack Stacks) - a large part of an SAP Basis administrator's job is to import these packages into the SAP system.
In the case of client settings, you should ensure that the production client is protected against overwriting and that changes are only approved via the transport management system (TMS) to ensure traceability. In the interests of system security, changes to repository and client-independent objects should also not be permitted. The use of eCATT and CATT should also be at least restricted, as allowing them can lead to significant database changes.
Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
We support you on-site and/or remotely in all SAP system management tasks to ensure the continuous availability of SAP applications.
If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website www.sap-corner.de.
Then save the list via "System > List > Save > Local file".