Further information on DBACOCKPIT
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In general, SAP operations and all associated activities need to be further professionalised. This includes the documentation of key and mission critical processes and their verification for timeliness and validity. It is also necessary to record and describe the performance of the base by IT service management, as well as techniques such as a RACI matrix to identify and document the responsibilities of the SAP basis.
The definition, organisational structure as well as the naming of the SAP basis is historically conditioned by previous SAP software versions and components. This also results in the perception of the SAP basis and the related focus of the SAP NetWeaver and the ABAP system core, which is still widely used today. However, the scope of activities has changed significantly in terms of tasks and technology and will continue to change in view of SAP's perspective and product strategy and the changing roles of IT. In order to accommodate this change and to change perceptions both in the overall context of the SAP ecosystem and within its own company, the SAP basis must develop a new self-understanding and establish a marketing for the publication of its own performance. The underlying information can be found in the master thesis in chapters 7.4 and 9.2.
SM30 Table maintenance
The SAP Patch Manager (SPAM) is the online correction support (OCS) customer site. The SPAM transaction gives you the ability to easily and efficiently import support packages provided by SAP into your system. Depending on the system used or the configuration of your system, you must insert different types of Support Packages [page 8]. You will receive support packages in SAPNet - Web Frontend, in SAPNet - R/3 Frontend or on Collection CDs. Since SPAM runs within the SAP system, you do not need to know the operating system to handle the transaction. In the language usage of SAP, the term patch has been replaced by the term support package. Note that you can only work with this transaction in SAP GUI for Java and SAP GUI for Windows.
In addition, the applications prepare the data in such a way that the user can visually capture it via the presentation layer. Conversely, the application server transfers all data that a user enters via the presentation layer to the underlying database.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
However, where it makes sense, they are supported by customized tools.
The website www.sap-corner.de offers many useful information about SAP basis.
As usual, it must be assigned to a package and a workbench order to become available.