SAP Basis Hardware Sizing - SAP Corner

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Hardware Sizing
OLE Example: OLE Processing
If a company chooses to tackle the area of e-learning itself and also to create the content for it itself, there is a certain challenge. The most obvious point here is that the above-mentioned initial effort is borne by the company. This means that employees spend their time creating videos, preparing presentations and/or creating questionnaires. This not to be underestimated effort must of course be borne by the company initially. On the other hand, a self-created e-learning offer offers the possibility to design it completely by itself and tailor it to the company's own needs. In addition, a company can decide whether it will use the e-learning offer itself only for its own employees (for internal training purposes) or whether it will also present the offer externally. This can be used, for example, for advertising purposes, as a know-how presentation or as a further source of income. Use the external sources: This is a very pleasant way for the company to improve the internal processes through ELearning. By acquiring external e-learning content, the company can purchase valuable know-how for comparatively low money. This know-how is in most cases already well prepared, that this can only be passed on to the employees and they can then independently acquire new knowledge or consolidate already known topics.

In some cases, the term SAP Basis is also equated with the administration of an SAP system, i.e. with a task description. In this case, it refers to the management and control of SAP systems via various administration and monitoring tools.
Root cause analysis
The monitoring of SAP systems, for example, is handled by modern AIOPs software, which permanently performs essential checks thanks to regular checks. This allows us to focus on optimizing your SAP systems, not only reactively in the event of an error, but also proactively to avoid possible errors before they occur.

The identification of critical SAP permissions for the use of an SAP system must therefore be carried out in any case. In addition to permissions, you can also identify critical profiles and roles that are already in the delivery state.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.

DISASSEMBLE In this step, the data files are unpacked from the corresponding EPS packages and placed in the transport directory.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

Together with you, we create a catalog of measures to ensure the optimal operation of your SAP landscape.
SAP Corner
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