How is SAP Basis structured?
SAP Basis Service
Since innovations through IoT (Internet of Things) or big data scenarios not only affect the SAP basis, but also highlight products and services for customers of their own company, the role of the SAP basis in relation to these scenarios and services must be clearly defined. In general, the SAP basis sees its responsibility here in the connectivity to the corporate network or the enterprise systems, which lie in the responsibility of the SAP basis. The support of the applications, based on the technologies as well as the associated services, is the responsibility of the respective department that offers this service. A SAP-based support service must be agreed and regulated during the conception.
To evaluate the log files, please use transaction RSAU_READ_LOG. If you archive the security audit log files you can read them using transaction RSAU_READ_ARC.
The tasks of a company's own SAP Basis department are undergoing enormous change at many companies, as SAP is also relying more and more on cloud services. Strategically, completely self-hosted SAP systems are becoming rarer and the proportion of customers using an SAP system from the cloud is increasing. The new roles of SAP Basis employees tend to be "enablers" and coordinators between the cloud provider and internal IT and the business departments. Until that time comes, companies can also rely on external service providers to offer expert know-how as well as operational support for the transition period.
The second component of the application layer is the message server. It acts as a kind of "mediator" between the services and the applications.
Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
The functionality initially includes a generic repository for user- and role-specific data and centralised access to that data by user and role maintenance.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.
For the control, measurement and monitoring of external partners, Service Level Agreements and meaningful key figures are also available.