Implementation of the Transport Management System (TMS)
SAP Portal
Often you are obliged to perform a migration. There are various reasons, such as legal requirements or preparatory measures for an S/HANA conversion. We are happy to support you in your decisions.
In this SAP Solution Manager training, we teach you how SAP Solution Manager works. You will receive the necessary know-how to implement SAP SolMan yourself.
Because hybrid landscapes are seen as the operating model of the future, it is necessary to develop monitoring strategies for this. What is important is an end-to-end view based on the process and not just an individual view of the systems, services or components involved. This supports the requirement of a company-wide interface function of the SAP basis.
In some cases, the term SAP Basis is also equated with the administration of an SAP system, i.e. with a task description. In this case, it refers to the management and control of SAP systems via various administration and monitoring tools.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.
At our company, for example, Ansible is used for mass rollouts of agents in large environments.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.
Set the Startup Type of the service to "Automatic" (Standard Manual) Enter Login Credentials Recovery for First and Second Failure to "Restart the Service" Start Service Logon SAP Login to the SAP system with the appropriate client from the Precalculation Server.