Installation and configuration of SAP® systems
In order to reduce the complexity of the SAP basis operation and to accelerate and simplify the tasks of the SAPBasis and to create free capacities, standardisation and automation of the existing activities is required. Details can be found in chapters 7.7 and 9.5 of the Master's thesis.
The SAP Patch Manager offers two scenarios for inserting support packages or queues: Test Scenario Use the test scenario to determine whether conflicts or problems occur (e.g., unreleased repairs) or whether a modification match is necessary before the actual insertion. This scenario allows you to estimate and minimise the time and effort required to load support packages. In this scenario, no data is imported into the system, and you can continue to play in the event of an error without the error being corrected. You must select the test scenario explicitly. Note that once the test scenario has passed, the queue is empty and needs to be redefined. You must also explicitly choose the default scenario.
Load Support Packages into Other Systems
Practical experience at home and abroad has given us a proven view of heterogeneous system landscapes. This flows into our consulting as a further plus point and creates not only smooth functionality but also cost efficiency of your individual system landscape.
This enhances the capabilities of SAP HANA base administrators and increases the level of service they should provide. Your Basis team can more easily fine-tune your data replication strategy to meet demanding disaster recovery and high availability standards.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
IT professionals are taking the first steps in automation with the use of tools like RedHat Ansible.
The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.
For more information, see Rules for the Queue [page 19].