SE80 ABAP Workbench
SAP Basis operations manage the IT underlying the SAP system. In addition, the operation ensures the maintenance and availability of business processes. Various tools can be used for this purpose, which take over the maintenance, servicing, configuration and monitoring of the SAP system. Basis operation is the prerequisite for ensuring that the SAP system is fully operational and covers the business processes well.
SAP Basis represents the cornerstone of the SAP system, i.e. the foundation without which the system cannot function. Furthermore, it includes some administration tools and middleware programs. These programs can be used with the help of SAP Basis independently of the operating system and database used.
An SAP HANA system lives on applications. When you develop these applications, you should think about securing them early. Using HTTPS instead of HTTP is one of the basics. In addition, you ensure secure authentication and implement a Secure Software Development Lifecycle to ensure backup in your own developments. In your applications, you better start to check them for risks early on and run this backup process regularly. You can analyse and restrict access to source code later. Create a risk register and address security vulnerabilities in a risk-based manner. The later you discover a risk, the more expensive the fix will be. Further information on SAP Security in addition to the article can be found here. Do you have any further questions or suggestions concerning this topic? Would you like us to go further on the subject? I look forward to your feedback!
Protect: CodeProfiler for ABAP protects the SAP system from internal and external attacks from the first day of deployment. The ABAP firewall can be set up within a very short time and immediately checks every new transport request when it is released. Optimize: The audit function of CodeProfiler for ABAP specifically determines which programs are most threatened and should therefore be cleaned up first. In the long term, CodeProfiler for ABAP supports the automated correction of all findings and thus enables the timely closure of security gaps in all programs.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
And that the RFC users are generously entitled even in productive systems is no longer a secret ("Better to have more permissions than too little; the RFC connections have to run, otherwise there is trouble from the specialist areas!").
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
Manual identification of critical SAP permissions is difficult overall.