SAP Basis Migration of SAP systems to HANA DB - SAP Corner

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Migration of SAP systems to HANA DB
Database maintenance, scheduling and restoring database backups
A partner agreement must be entered into for each supplier in the transaction WE20. Such an agreement shall determine how the electronic data are processed. Select the vendor partner type LI and create a new partner agreement. In this example, a new partner agreement is created for IDES AG as a supplier. Enter the vendor's partner number in the appropriate input field and select LI as the vendor's partner type. The next step is to define the output parameters. These specify how the outgoing data should be processed. The message type defines what kind of messages should be processed. The Output Options tab specifies the port to send the message to and the IDoc type. The IDoc base type ORDERS05 matches the ORDERS message. The Message Control tab defines which application should generate a message. In this case a message should be generated when a new order is created. If an order is placed for a product of IDES AG in the transaction ME21N, this order will be automatically sent in electronic form.

The SAP basis as an organisational unit within a growing IT organisation is facing far-reaching changes. The growing number of technologies and the growing need for integration and collaboration with upstream and downstream IT departments means that the SAP basis is constantly growing. Examples of organisational concepts and further information can be found in chapters 7.6 and 9.4 of the Master's thesis.
SAP Script
In addition, the SAP Basis team can easily implement new functionality in the new system - without compromising the security, stability or quality of the previous function, which would be the case with non-certified and inexperienced people. Smooth implementation is enabled by project experience, training and certificates.

Through a sound expertise in the SAP technology environment, it is recommended to bring the know-how of the SAP basis into the IT strategy and IT roadmap. For this, the responsibility lies primarily with the CIO as the carrier and responsible of the IT strategy and the IT organisation. Likewise, the SAP basis should serve as a sparring partner for individuals and boards (such as enterprise architects) that significantly influence the strategy.

Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".

The Technical Lead functions as the work package leader or sub-project manager within the SAP basis when the project is the focus of the SAP basis.

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

Furthermore we support you in the area of Oracle, MS-SQL and MaxDB databases in the SAP environment as well as a solution outside SAP.
SAP Corner
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