SAP Basis Missing result documentation - SAP Corner

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Missing result documentation
OS, Operating Systems
SAP Basis or system administrators work with SAP Basis in a company. They are responsible for the correct installation, configuration and maintenance of the SAP application servers and applications, and in some companies also for the operating system and the SAP database if no administrators are available. Using SAP's own programming language ABAP, developers and programmers design SAP applications that run on the ABAP stack of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server as the only publicly accessible ABAP runtime environment. In some cases, the boundaries between ABAP developers and SAP Basis administrators are permeable, and each of the two groups of specialists has a basic knowledge of the other. As a rule, however, the competencies remain separate.

To configure the SAL, please use transaction RSAU_CONFIG (formerly SM19) as of SAP Release 7.50. It is recommended to activate the cross-user logging with minimum settings and to record all audit classes for users with extensive authorizations, such as SAP standard and emergency users. These settings should always be configured on a cross-client basis.
Configuration as well as maintenance and backup
The definition, organisational structure as well as the naming of the SAP basis is historically conditioned by previous SAP software versions and components. This also results in the perception of the SAP basis and the related focus of the SAP NetWeaver and the ABAP system core, which is still widely used today. However, the scope of activities has changed significantly in terms of tasks and technology and will continue to change in view of SAP's perspective and product strategy and the changing roles of IT. In order to accommodate this change and to change perceptions both in the overall context of the SAP ecosystem and within its own company, the SAP basis must develop a new self-understanding and establish a marketing for the publication of its own performance. The underlying information can be found in the master thesis in chapters 7.4 and 9.2.

SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of programs in the SAP system. It acts like an operating system for R/3 and subsequent releases including S/4HANA. Each operating system provides an environment in which programs can run, such as MS Office on Microsoft Windows.

Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.

It performs the task of time-consuming analysis of log files and also ensures maximum reliability through automation.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

The SPAM update does not affect the generation.
SAP Corner
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