SAP Basis Point-in-Time Recovery - SAP Corner

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Point-in-Time Recovery
High flexibility for ad hoc growth
Basically, an SAP Basis administrator is responsible for installing, configuring, managing, maintaining and servicing all technical components of an SAP system landscape. This includes activities such as application setup, monitoring, and troubleshooting.

In the beginning, in our company, the installation and management of the systems were dealt with by the functional consultants/consultants of the respective systems. The CRM consultant was responsible for the SAP CRM system, the SRM consultant for the SAP SRM, etc.
Virtualization of your SAP system landscape
You can call the SPAM transaction in one of the following ways: Select SAP menu Tools Maintenance Patches. Enter the transaction code SPAM. Features The SAP Patch Manager provides the following features: Loading Support Packages: Requested support packages can be loaded into your system from SAPNet - Web Frontend, SAPNet - R/3 Frontend, or Collection CDs. Inserting Support Packages: Resetting When SPAM inserts a support package into your system, a fixed sequence of steps is followed. If the Support Package implementation stops, you can resume processing at a later time. The operation will resume where it was cancelled.

SAP Basis Administrators ensure smooth operation of your SAP landscape. Our administrators take care of the databases, operating systems and your applications.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.

There are various reasons, such as legal requirements or preparatory measures for an S/HANA conversion.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

The description of the IT services and the associated development of an IT product catalogue is the basis for standardisation, whether the recipient is an external or internal customer (e.g. a business unit).
SAP Corner
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