This definition was last updated in June 2014
The tasks of a company's own SAP Basis department are undergoing enormous change at many companies, as SAP is also relying more and more on cloud services. Strategically, completely self-hosted SAP systems are becoming rarer and the proportion of customers using an SAP system from the cloud is increasing. The new roles of SAP Basis employees tend to be "enablers" and coordinators between the cloud provider and internal IT and the business departments. Until that time comes, companies can also rely on external service providers to offer expert know-how as well as operational support for the transition period.
The lifecycle of an SAP system begins with the installation of the database platform. This is installed by an SAP Basis administrator and can consist of one of the following databases: HANA, Sybase, DB2, Oracle, MSSQL and MaxDB.
SU53 Display authorization data
Following the recommendation of dividing the SAP basis into an application-orientated and infrastructure-related SAP basis [A4], Figure 3 shows a possible presentation form. The SAP-Basis interface function is structured into a SAP basis, which is close to the application and is responsible for coordination and communication with vertical and higher IT specialist and business areas, and a SAP basis close to the infrastructure. The infrastructure-related SAP basis in turn serves as the link between the application-orientated SAP basis and the infrastructure levels. Subject Matter Experts will perform the link task again. In the application-orientated SAP basis, in turn, technology architects are more likely to be placed. The innovation activity or innovation team aspect of the SAP basis is placed at the level of the SAP basis, which is close to the application, because the existing capabilities allow it to assume a leading, also coordinating role and acquire expertise both by adding the SAP basis near the infrastructure and the downstream IT departments. Figure 3: SAP basis as a cross-sectional function SAP basis (near application) SAP basis (near infrastructure) SAP basis (innovation / test laboratory) Application development Databases Virtualisation ....
Verify that the data file was generated. If it was not created, make sure that the [Page 10] Recreate Data File settings in SPAM settings are enabled. For more information, see Note 70752. ADD_TO_BUFFER In this step, the queue is placed in the transport buffer of your system.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
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For example, the key combination "ALT+0160" can be used to insert non-breaking spaces.