This prevents that just because someone would start a new chain, someone would accidentally recognise it as "reality". However, sometimes two miners working on the longest chain find a new block at the same time. This is called Orphan Blocks. The chain now has in principle two end pieces (2 parallel blocks). Different miners now work at different ends of the chain. The blockchain will then continue where the next block will be found first. The other block is called the Orphan Block, and it's sort of a dead branch of the blockchain. So how do you explain the above things to your grandma?
Especially in larger companies, which also have multiple locations in different countries, it is often necessary to grant different employees the same permissions for different levels of organisation, such as accounting circles. In order to make maintenance and maintenance of the system easy in such a situation, it is useful to set the inheritance principle for SAP permissions. How does SAP Permissions Inheritance work? An inheritance is always about a master object passing certain properties to a derived (sub) object. Therefore, these properties do not need to be maintained several times. Also, changes to the master object are passed directly to the derived objects. This allows easier maintenance and drastically minimises the error rate. In the case of SAP Permission Inheritance, the required permissions are bundled in a Upper or Master role. Only the organisational levels have to be maintained in the roles derived from them. The permissions are automatically pulled from the master role. Create Inheritance for SAP Permissions The following shows how to create and use inheritances for SAP permissions. This requires only two steps: Creating a master role and defining derived roles. Step 1: Create a master role Inheritance always requires a parent role, because all properties are inherited from it. If this role, in which all shared permissions are bundled, is missing, the first step is to create this master role. To do this, open the PFCG transaction and enter the desired name of the master role in the Name field. It is possible to identify master and derived roles by using naming conventions. The "Single Role" button will then be used to create the desired role. In the following example I create the master role "findepartment_r".
In order to ensure the necessary expertise both in the direction of application and application-related IT departments as well as in the direction of infrastructure units, the SAP basis should be divided into an infrastructure-related SAP basis and an application-orientated SAP basis. The infrastructure-based SAP basis acts as a contact level and point of contact for IT departments such as virtualisation, storage management and databases. The application-orientated SAP basis serves as the contact and coordination level for application-related topics. BUILDING OVERARCHING EXPERT TEAMS WITH SAP basis INVOLVEMENT To reduce organisational friction points as well as to optimally handle selected topics, it is recommended to set up expert teams with the participation of the SAP basis. These teams of experts can be virtually organised and therefore of temporary duration and consist of participants from all relevant IT disciplines or business areas. If the topic of the virtual group of experts is the focus of the SAP basis, the SAP basis will take over the management and control of the expert team.
Hosting environments and third-party offerings have also contributed to these improvements. Public cloud environments such as Azure and AWS provide a layer of abstraction that eliminates the difficult task of maintaining hardware that was required with SAP on-premises.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
A user can then read all data assigned to him (via role or his own settings) at once.
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
The SAP training content is taught directly on the SAP system.