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SAP Sybase
SAP Basis and SAP Security Support on Demand at a fixed price
This is where all the system's data resides. These are composed of the actual database and the DBMS, the "database management system". In earlier versions, the database here came from different manufacturers. For example, Microsoft SQL or Oracle. Since SAP HANA, a lot has changed for IT in this data layer. This is because the database comes from SAP itself and is automatically monitored by the system. There is more to this database layer than just the working data. Important elements such as the configuration tables and system data for control and application content are also stored here. This is the repository data used by applications.

The Advanced Memory thus contains mainly user contexts of different work processes, if these cannot be loaded completely into the roll area. Since the storage area is accessible for all work processes, the work processes can also access external user contexts that lie here. In addition, the Advanced Memory contains a global area where data can be stored independently of user contexts. The extended memory size is determined by the values of em/initial_size_MB and em/global_area_MB. The first parameter determines the size of the storage area in which user contexts can be stored, and the second determines the size of the global area. Parameters for Private Storage Last but not least, there is the private storage, which is only used when the user context of a work process has used up all the other storage areas available to it, i.e. its share of the extended memory and its rolling area. In this case, the workprocess goes into PRIV mode. A workprocess in private mode is bound to its current user context and will not become free for other tasks until the current request is completed. If it has used up all the private memory allocated to it, the workprocess will then be restarted and the memory released. This behaviour is controlled with the abap/heaplimit parameter. At times, the user context may exceed the value of abap/heaplimit. The parameters abap/heap_area_total, abap/heap_area_dia and abap/heap_area_nondia define an upper limit for private storage. The abap/heap_area_total parameter defines how much private storage all workprocesses can use in total. The parameters abap/heap_area_dia and abap/heap_area_nondia, on the other hand, determine how much private storage a single (non-)dialogue workprocess can use.
The typical tasks of system support and administration of an SAP landscape include, among others:
A customized cloud for the most diverse requirements of medium-sized companies is an important backbone for business success. For this purpose, we accompany digitization projects of our customers from a wide range of industries on an equal footing.

Constant further development and growing complexity are placing ever-increasing demands on the SAP infrastructure in terms of performance and feasibility. In addition, SAP Basis is the technological driving force for the implementation of new applications and innovations in your business environment.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.

Data that the user enters in the SAP GUI is passed on to the database via the application servers.

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

Sound up-to-date know-how: With SAP Basis support, you can save time and money on training that would be needed in-house to keep your employees up to date.
SAP Corner
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