SAP Basis SARA Archive Administration - SAP Corner

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SARA Archive Administration
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Presentation layer: The presentation layer is the top layer of the R/3 SAP Basis system and includes communication with the user. Here, the data is graphically prepared for the user on the terminal device by means of software components from the application programs of the application layer. The presentation layer represents the interface to the user (SAP GUI).

In earlier product generations, databases from various third-party providers were used - primarily Oracle and Microsoft SQL. However, this has changed with the introduction of the new database generation SAP HANA.
The SAP basis as an organisational unit within a growing IT organisation is facing far-reaching changes. The growing number of technologies and the growing need for integration and collaboration with upstream and downstream IT departments means that the SAP basis is constantly growing. Examples of organisational concepts and further information can be found in chapters 7.6 and 9.4 of the Master's thesis.

An important area of SAP Security is the analysis of the customer's own SAP programs, which are classically written in the proprietary SAP language ABAP. Here, too, as in all programming languages, security vulnerabilities can be programmed - whether consciously or unconsciously. However, the patterns of security vulnerabilities in ABAP code differ from those in Java stacks or Windows programs. The goal of these conventional programs is usually to either crash the program (buffer overflow) or to artificially execute the program's own code (code injection). Both is not possible in ABAP, since a crash of a process causes nothing else than the creation of an entry in the log database (Dump ST22) and a subsequent termination of the report with return to the menu starting point. So a direct manipulation as in other high level languages or servers is not possible. However, there are other manipulation possibilities.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

It is also necessary to check whether a user should (still) have a specific role.

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

This option is useful if several transactions are to be checked simultaneously for their existing assignment to a particular user.
SAP Corner
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