SM64 Batch Events: Overview and Management
SAP technological consulting
With simple job programming, you can start in clear environments with few dependencies. If the number of jobs and the complexity increases, an automatic job control is a good choice. Honico Batchman is such a solution, a 100% SAP integrated AddOn, which is quickly and easily installed via normal transports. The advantage here is that no additional infrastructure is required; instead, the existing SAP system landscape is used for the entire control and execution without incurring a loss in performance. This also ensures full audit and operational security (compliance). Since pure SAP systems are rather the exception, non-SAP systems can also be controlled and monitored. As a third option, high-end solutions are available that additionally monitor the infrastructure and legacy. Widely used products in this segment are UC4 and Arvato Streamworks. These three solution options differ significantly in terms of price and scope of services. IT departments in companies must therefore evaluate which solution is best suited to their own requirements.
People tend to forget how important this element of the architecture is. The setup involved often proves to be especially important for companies looking to implement the SAP system for the first time.
Table logging and table protection
Administrators often need to replicate part or all of a database, for example, to create a system backup or test an upgrade before putting it into production. In the past, this was surprisingly difficult to do with most databases. With HANA, replication works instantly and offers richer features and better control than previous databases.
This opens up new possibilities for SAP administration. Basic services, for example, can also be rented from SAP or obtained from an external service provider as part of managed services.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.
R/3, NetWeaver, Solution Manager installation, etc.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.
Soft skills also play an important role in this profession.