SQ03 User group maintenance
SMT1 Trusted - Trusting Connections
The presentation view is used to visualize the applications and data for the user. The presentation is done with the help of a graphical user interface (GUI). Furthermore, the presentation view consists of several modules, which are also summarized as SAP GUI. SAP Fiori is the presentation layer of the next generation and is therefore particularly user-friendly.
For more information about the lowest support package level for SAP ABA and SAP Basis to install an SAP Basis Plug-In, see the SAP Service Marketplace. For more information about the lowest support package level for the corresponding SAP R/3 plug-in, see the SAP Service Marketplace. This level depends on the release of SAP R/3 or SAP R/3 Enterprise.
SM35 Batch input: session overview
Furthermore, you enrich our team with: Knowledge or experience in SAP NetWeaver technologies (e.g. AS-Java, AS-ABAP, S/4HANA SAP PI, SAP BI, SAP Gateway or SAP folder management), Experience in the administration of Windows or Linux server systems, databases or web applications, Knowledge or experience in the administration of server hardware and storage technologies, very good conceptual skills in system design and system integration, very good knowledge in the area of security relevant topics of IT system operation, good teamwork skills, good communication skills and a service-oriented attitude with high self-motivation and willingness to perform. Good written and spoken German skills are expected (level similar to at least B2). Regular further training will help you to develop your personal skills in a targeted manner.
So-called Access Control Lists (ACL) offer a good possibility to secure your gateway in order to exclude unwanted external accesses to the database of the application server. With the help of the ACL files reginfo and secinfo an access control can be implemented, in which allowed as well as forbidden communication partners can be defined. The reginfo file controls the registration of external programs on the gateway, which means that rules can be defined that allow or prohibit programs. With the help of the file secinfo you can define which users are allowed to start an external program. To be able to use these files, you must set the parameters gw/reg_info and gw/sec_info (transaction RZ11). For more information, refer to SAP Note 1408081.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
Roll Whitelist Do you want to exclude certain roles from the audit? Or do you want to test only critical roles? The tool offers you a whitelist function for this.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on www.sap-corner.de.
UPL is able to record the call and execution of the following ABAP objects: Reports Functional Blocks Classes Methods Subroutines SQL Calls In addition, UPL is able to detect dynamic programme calls and generate transparency about the modifications used.