Structure of SAP Basis
Daily checks are still commonplace for many SAP customers today; with Avantra, they are a thing of the past. These are manual checks that a bot can perform hundreds of times each day. Similarly, a bot can create incidents or notifications when something goes wrong.
No matter whether a change of the operating system or the database used is pending or a move of the SAP system as well as a migration to SAP HANA has to be completed - we are your experts. We create a plan together with you and migrate your SAP system within the shortest possible time. Our services:
Employee entries and exits
An understandable and comprehensible strategy enables the SAP basis to derive it as easily as possible to practice and to the resulting requirements and activities. The main task of the SAP basis is to support new business models by implementing the strategy and to show how much technical and financial effort and benefit is generated. It is also the task of the SAP basis to identify the skills and resources necessary for them and to ensure their existence at an early stage.
This access method depends solely on the rights assigned to the user. System users: Users of this user group are comparable to SAP*. They act as administrator in the system. Therefore, they should be deactivated / set to inactive as soon as possible, as soon as the system operation is ensured. You should still be aware of the SAP ERP environment to address this security risk. In a HANA system, there are privileges instead of permissions. The difference is first of all in terms of terminology. Nevertheless, the permissions are assigned differently (directly / indirectly) via the assignment of roles. These are thus accumulations of privileges. As in older SAP systems, system users must be disabled and certain roles that already exist must be restricted. Compared to an SAP ERP system, small apps are allowed instead of large applications. In this case, attention should be paid to an individual authorisation. It should be a matter of course for users to have implemented secure password rules. Settings Securing the system also means securing the underlying infrastructure. Everything from the network to the host's operating system must be secured. When looking at the system landscape, it is striking that the new technology brings many connections that need to be secured. The SAP Gateway, which is responsible for the connection between backend and frontend, is also a security risk and must be considered. All security settings of existing and future components must be validated to HANA compatibility. Secure communication of connections is obtained when you restrict access where possible. Encryption of the data of a HANA system is disabled by default. Be sure to encrypt sensitive data anyway. Especially data that is archived. If an attack is made on your system, you should be able to run forensic analysis, so you should enable the audit log. Moreover, few users should have access to it.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
It's not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a career field in its own right.
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
It is recommended to activate the cross-user logging with minimum settings and to record all audit classes for users with extensive authorizations, such as SAP standard and emergency users.