SAP Basis Support Packages from the SAPNet - Load Web Frontend or Collection CDs - SAP Corner

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Support Packages from the SAPNet - Load Web Frontend or Collection CDs
SAP Basis - trends for the coming years
Every SAP system evolves over many years. It grows and changes with the company. The more functions are mapped in it and the more data is stored, the greater the importance of and dependence on this central ERP system. There is no such thing as a standard SAP Basis solution. It is developed individually with reference to the company.

Basis comprises a number of middleware programs and tools from SAP. Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of the SAP Basis system and thus for R/3 and SAP ERP, for example. SAP thus provides the underlying basis (hence the name) that enables various SAP applications to be interoperable and portable across operating systems and databases.
What does TREX have to do with SAP Solution Manager?
The SAP basis requires a separation layer to upstream and downstream IT departments, which is clearly defined. In the direction of the infrastructure, for example, this can be the upper edge of the operating system. This distinction must also be drawn in the direction of application development. Here there are various services offered today by the SAP basis, which are more closely related to application, such as control of background processing, transport or also the automation of certain activities. In principle, it is necessary to examine which tasks can continue to be carried out in the SAP basis due to the requirements and which can be given in expert units.

In order to reduce the variety of different system variations and the related variety of routine tasks, it is necessary to reduce the number of customer specifications. In particular, the implementation, set-up and configuration of the systems and security concepts must be harmonised or returned to the SAP standard. To this end, it is necessary to establish, in cooperation with the relevant IT departments, a standard for, for example, operating systems and databases within the limits set by the product.

Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".

The presentation is done with the help of a graphical user interface (GUI).

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

For this, the following values must be set in the customizing table PRGN_CUST: NO = The alternative spaces are still allowed in the user name.
SAP Corner
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