SAP Basis System updates - SAP Corner

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System updates
ST22 ABAP runtime error
The Queue determines which support packages are inserted into your system in which order by the SAP Patch Manager. If the queue is not yet fully defined, you must define the queue from the available support packages. If the Queue is already fully defined, it is only displayed; they no longer have the ability to change the selection. However, you can delete the queue completely with Queue [page 37]. Note that your system is inconsistent when you delete the queue after objects have been imported (for example, after an error in the DDIC_IMPORT step and following). The deletion in these SPAM steps should only be used for troubleshooting and you should repeat the insertion of the support packages as soon as possible. The SPAM transaction ensures that only support packages that match your system are displayed in the queue. Support packages intended for another release or an uninstalled add-on will not appear in the queue, even if they are loaded into your SAP system. For more information, see Rules for the Queue [page 19]. You must define the queue before you insert support packages. Prerequisites You have loaded the appropriate support packages with the SPAM into your SAP system [page 15]. Procedure To define a queue, select View/Define SPAM on the entry screen of the transaction. The Select Component dialogue box appears. You will see the list of installed software components (e.g. SAP_BASIS, SAP_HR, SAP_BW, Add-On). Select the desired component. You see the available queue. This queue contains the support packages available for the selected component in your system, and any required Conflict Resolution Transports (CRT), as well as associated Add-On Support Packages. You can: If the queue you see matches your wishes, you can accept the queue with Queue confirm and leave this selection window.

This option is useful if several transactions are to be checked simultaneously for their existing assignment to a particular user. This variant must first identify all roles that have already been assigned to the user. This is done in the transaction SE16N by entering the table AGR_USERS. In addition, the limit of the maximum hit number can be set in this image. The user concerned must now be entered here. Furthermore, the output should be limited to the roles only. After the query is executed, all the roles assigned to the previously entered user are displayed. These are now completely marked and copied. Then in the transaction SE16N a step back is taken and this time the table AGR_1251 is selected. Now all the roles that have been copied previously are inserted here. In addition, the object S_TCODE and the transactions to be searched for are filtered. Warning: When entering transaction codes, be sure to be case-sensitive! At this point, the output can also be limited to the roles and object values (in this case, the transactions). After the query is executed, the transactions entered will now show those that the user can already perform. In addition, the role assigned to the transaction is shown. In conclusion, the SUIM is only partially suitable for identifying certain transactions with user assignment. Although the search using the S_TCODE permission object also allows you to view multiple transactions. However, since the result is missing the assignment of transactions considered to roles, the SUIM transaction can only be usefully used to check a single transaction for its existing assignment to a particular user.
Execution of release changes and upgrade projects
In addition to purely administrative tasks, SAP administrators are also responsible for communication. They cooperate with the company's internal support departments and work with them on ways to help users solve and avoid any problems and pitfalls when using SAP solutions. For internal purposes, the SAP administrator also prepares documentation and uses it to search for errors, the cause of which he or she tries to combat. If necessary, he or she communicates with decision-makers in the company in order to be able to implement improvements, adjustments and optimizations with regard to the SAP software.

In the last few years, I have been asked time and again what SAP Basis is and what we SAP Basis administrators do in our daily work. With this blog post I would like to provide a little insight into exactly this area of work.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.

Of strategic importance are, in particular, those tasks and services which are difficult to imitate by competing companies.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.

This layer is therefore also referred to by SAP as the actual base system.
SAP Corner
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