User and security management
Administrators often need to replicate part or all of a database, for example, to create a system backup or test an upgrade before putting it into production. In the past, this was surprisingly difficult to do with most databases. With HANA, replication works instantly and offers richer features and better control than previous databases.
To display custom tiles based on catalogues and groups when the launchpad starts, permissions are placed in the menu of the underlying role. This makes it possible to ensure that every user on the launchpad can only see and open their applications. Open Launchpad permissions SAP provides default roles for opening the Fiori Launchpad. This distinguishes between the Fiori permissions to start the launchpad normally and to manage the user interface.
SM61 Display control object list
You can reduce the Queue selection. To do this, select the Support Package that should be the last in the queue. After that, the queue is recalculated. You can also start the recalculation explicitly with Queue. Note that you can only select Support Packages that are part of the software component you have selected (the mouse cursor will change its appearance accordingly). The support packages associated with the calculated queue are green. The highest support package of the previously selected software component is additionally marked with a green tick. The support packages that are no longer part of the queue are still visible in the list and can be selected again. If you want to set the queue for another software component, select New Component. Result You have defined a queue. Now insert the support packages in the queue [page 20]. Rules for the Queue The following rules apply to creating a Queue: If it is an FCS system, the first step is an FCS Support Package. If it is missing from the queue, it cannot be defined. Instead, you will receive an error message telling you the name of the missing FCS Support Package. You cannot insert an FCS support package in a non-FCS system (official state of delivery). Support packages for a selected component are queued in order. If support packages in the queue have connections to support packages of another component (further predecessor relationship, required CRT), the queue will be extended by additional support packages until all predecessor relationships are fulfilled. Note that the SAP Patch Manager takes into account the configuration of your SAP system and only adds support packages to the queue that can be inserted into your system.
Over time, the tasks associated with the base became more complex and time-consuming, so that only the consultants could handle them. A need arose to hire a person to deal only with Basis matters.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
The corresponding programmes are not generated until they are called.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on
These application servers provide all the services required by the SAP applications.