Why have a SAP-BASIS department in the companies? Our history
SAP NetWeaver - maintenance and support
In principle, exceptionally good knowledge of computer science is essential. In addition, SAP administrators must of course be particularly well versed in this specialist area and be able to deal confidently with all issues relating to SAP solutions. Since they often also work in international companies, it is an advantage if they have a very good command of written and spoken English.
As we know, BASIS is a set of tools. This tool has the following different functionalities.
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New risks in SAP HANA: In addition to the known risks, there are also new risks from the use of SAP HANA. A very good example are frequently used web applications that represent something new in the SAP area. In contrast to an SAP ERP system, HANA systems consist mainly of web applications, which were considered optional in the previous versions. These web applications can be found by various search engines on the Internet. This also applies to SAP Portal or Netweaver. There are URL schemes that help locate the system. This also applies to other SAP systems that use Web applications. This makes the new technology vulnerable to typical web attacks. SQL Injection, ABAP Code Injection, or XSS are all included. All risks known for a normal SAP system also apply to a SAP-HANA system. The data is stored unencrypted in RAM. Only then does the system gain this speed advantage. This results in risks such as a read-out by memory scraping malware. These pick up data in memory. Encryption costs performance, so it is not used by default. Especially during a migration HANA runs in a parallel system, therefore at least one new system comes to your landscape. Also note: HANA has its own tools and settings that need to be known and configured. The bottom line is that the system simply needs more attention when operating. Many settings often result in more errors. Three - points - HANA Security Plan 1) Roles and permissions In a previous SAP system, roles and permissions are certainly one of the main pillars of a secure system. Roles and permissions work differently in a HANA system. There are two types of users: 1) Default (limited): With this type of user, there are different access methods to the database. For example, the JDBC or HTTP technologies are used to give two examples.
Expand your SAP landscape by adding new functionalities or installing SAP Enhancement Packages (EHP). Even if you want to update your SAP system to the latest version, we will be at your side to ensure that your systems remain up-to-date and functional. All services at a glance:
The "Shortcut for SAP Systems" tool is ideal for doing many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.
However, this has changed with the introduction of the new database generation SAP HANA.
If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website www.sap-corner.de.
For assistance in building and expanding SAP Basis, SAP Basis consultants can help.