Willingness for further training
Call Inheritance Hierarchy
As a hint: The menu tab "Jump" allows you to set all namespaces or software components simultaneously to "modifiable" or "non-modifiable". However, before you can rearrange the namespace and software components, you must also adjust the global setting accordingly. With Save or CTRL+S you can now save your new settings and you have already set the system modifiability.
In this step, a dialogue box prompts you to confirm the commit. If the user does not have permission to execute the transaction SPAM or the current queue has not yet been confirmed, the transaction stops SPAM with a message to that effect. CHECK_REQUIREMENTS In this step, different requirements for inserting are checked. There are the following reason that may cause this step to be cancelled: TP_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SYSTEM: tp cannot log in to the system database. QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY: There are incomplete OCS jobs in the tp buffer. You can view these jobs using the following tp command: tp SHOWBUFFER -D SOURCESYSTEMS= TAG=SPAM You cannot resume the processing of the queue until these jobs have been completely processed or deleted from the tp buffer. DISASSEMBLE In this step, files are extracted from the corresponding OCS files and placed in the /usr/sap/trans/data (UNIX) directory.
In the case of distributed or local SAP systems, it can also be helpful if departments or decentralized IT units can schedule their own jobs themselves. It is important that the associated approval processes can also be mapped and easily tracked. This brings convenience, flexibility and a degree of freedom without neglecting operational security. The integration of the business departments can relieve the IT administrator and turn background processing into an end-to-end process integrated into the organization.
It is of great importance to keep the knowledge of SAP Basis experts in the company transparent. One possibility is of course to "look over the shoulder" or to ask the expert directly. However, this is very time-consuming and puts a strain on the expert himself.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.
Double click on the desired client.
On www.sap-corner.de you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
If safety deficiencies have been discovered, we will give recommendations for action on how to correct them.