SAP Authorizations Assignment of critical authorizations and handling of critical users - SAP Corner

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Assignment of critical authorizations and handling of critical users
Error analysis for authorizations (part 1)
In this case, please note that you may need to replace the SS table permission group with other table permission groups. This is required if you have entered a different table permission group when maintaining the table permission groups, for example, for the T000 table.

The permission check for the S_PATH object is performed as described only for files corresponding to a path with a permission group in the SPTH table. In our example, you should grant permission for the S_PATH object with the value FILE in the FS_BRGRU field to access files with the path /tmp/myfiles*. Note that the authorization object only distinguishes two types of access. These two values summarise the access types of the S_DATASET authorization object. The value Modify corresponds to the values Delete, Write, and Write with Filter; the value View corresponds to Read and Read with Filter.
Change documents
When displaying or posting receipts in SAP Finance, are the standard eligibility checks insufficient? Use document validation, BTEs, or BAdIs for additional permission checks. The posting of documents, and often their display, is protected by standard permission checks; but they may not meet your requirements.

You use Central User Management and wonder why you still need to evaluate the licence data individually in the attached systems. This does not have to be the case, because a central evaluation is possible! There are licence fees for using SAP systems, and you need SAP licence keys. The amount of your licence costs will be determined during the current operation, depending on the number of users and the features used in the SAP software. The survey programme (transaction USMM), the results of which you transmit to SAP, serves this purpose. Not only the number of users is relevant, but also their classification, the so-called user types. You assign these to the user via the transaction SU01 or the transaction SU10 (Licence Data tab). Alternatively, you can let the user inherit the user type of a reference user or classify it via an associated role. This is done by analogy when you use the Central User Administration (ZBV). So far, there has been no central evaluation of the data of all systems connected to the ZBV. Now this has changed, and we'll show you how you can use this analysis.

With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.

DDIC exists in all clients except 066.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

Each roll can be written to any number of transport orders.
SAP Corner
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