Authorization roles (transaction PFCG)
Maintenance Status
We advise you not to use the self-set password with a self-service as a generated password is more secure. The password is generated depending on the password rules; This is done by first evaluating the settings in the security policy assigned to the user. If no security policy has been assigned to the user, the system will consider the password rules in the profile parameters and in the customising table PRNG_CUST. In order for the associated security policy to be considered, you may need to include the correction provided with SAP Note 1890833. Remember that the BAPI_USER_CHANGE function block does not automatically unlock the user. In the event of a lock-out due to incorrect logins, you still have to unlock the user using the BAPI_USER_UNLOCK.
An SAP authorization concept is used to map relevant legal standards and internal company regulations to the technical protection options within an SAP system. Authorization concepts are thus the key to optimal protection of your system, both externally and internally.
Context-dependent authorizations
With Managed Services, you receive professional management and improvement of your SAP authorizations. In doing so, we analyze your existing workflows and processes and work out optimization potentials. The implementation of the potentials takes place within a few months. As a basis for central and efficient administration, we implement an underlying tool, working continuously and directly with your SAP key users.
Administrative activities are used to control system behavior and make various security-relevant settings. To minimize the risk of a system failure or the creation of a security vulnerability, administrative rights should only be granted to employees in the basic administration. The following list may be supplemented by suggestions from the company's own administration. It contains only the most important authorization objects for each subject area.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
Such projects must be well planned and prepared.
The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
This also means that it is not possible to upgrade rolls with standard SAP tools, such as the SU25 transaction.