SAP Authorizations Configure Security Audit Log - SAP Corner

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Configure Security Audit Log
User group can be defined as required field
As with an SAP_NEW role, it is possible to generate an SAP_APP role. As with the SAP_APP profile, all permissions are included here, except the base permissions and the HCM permissions. The ability to create this role with the report REGENERATE_SAP_APP exists after inserting the SAP note 1703299. This report generates a role that is fully usable for all applications. However, we recommend using this role only for development and test systems.

Your system has inactive users? This is not only a security risk, as they often use an initial password, but also creates unnecessary licence costs. There will always be inactive users in your SAP system. There may be several reasons for this. For example, they may be management level users that are virtually unused because they are not using the ERP system. It could also be that employees no longer use their SAP user due to a change of position or that outsiders do not work on the SAP system for a while. In any case, you should ensure that these inactive users are either blocked or invalidated. Up to now, you had to select all inactive users with the help of the RSUSR200 report and then manually transfer them into the SU10 transaction to perform the blocking. You can now do this automatically.
Installing and executing ABAP source code via RFC
Do the permissions for a self-developed UI component for the SAP CRM Web Client always have to be maintained manually? Not necessarily - if you define them as suggested values for external services. If you have developed your own UI components in the Customer Name Room in SAP CRM and you want to authorise them via the default process, i.e. create a role menu for a PFCG role using the CRMD_UI_ROLE_PREPARE report, you must do some preliminary work. When you run the report, you will notice that the external services for your own developments are not present and therefore do not appear in the role menu. The only way to qualify your UI components is to manually maintain the UIU_COMP authorization object. However, you can maintain your own UI components as external services with suggestion values in the SU24 transaction and take advantage of this information in PFCG role maintenance.

To do this, in the SU24 transaction, open the application you want to customise. To maintain the missing suggestion values, you can start the trace here by clicking on the button Trace. You can of course also use the system trace for permissions via the ST01 or STAUTHRACE transactions. A new window will open. Click here on the Evaluate Trace button and select System Trace (ST01) > Local. In the window that opens you now have the opportunity to restrict the trace to a specific user or to start it directly. To do this, enter a user who will call the application you want to record, and then click Turn on Trace. Now, in a separate mode, you can call and run the application you want to customise. Once you have completed the activities that you need permission checks, i.e. you have finished the trace, you will return to your application in the transaction SU24 and stop the trace by switching off the button trace. To perform the evaluation, click the Evaluate button. To obtain the trace data for each authorization object, select the authorization object you want to customise in the upper-left pane of the Permissions object drop-down list.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

In the Object Type Selection pop-up window that appears, select the S3 ABAP Texts node and select the ACGR Roles sub-point.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

Therefore, before you activate, it must be ensured that all affected users in the permission profiles associated with them have the necessary values in the S_START permission fields.
SAP Corner
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