SAP Authorizations Configure Security Audit Log - SAP Corner

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Configure Security Audit Log
Permissions with Maintenance Status Used
Transaction SE63 allows you to translate a variety of text in the SAP system. You can find the texts relevant to the permission roles by going to the Translation > ABAP Objects > Short Texts menu. In the Object Type Selection pop-up window that appears, select the S3 ABAP Texts node and select the ACGR Roles sub-point. You can now select the role in the following screen. You must note that the system expects the client to be prefixed, and the next step allows you to maintain the chunk in the target language. The variable AGR_TEXTS 00002 corresponds to the description of the role and the variable AGR_HIERT_TEXT 00001 corresponds to the description of the transactions contained therein. After you have saved the entry, the description of the role is also maintained in the target language, in our example in the English language and visible after the login. Select the source language correctly in the field.

Now, if a user attempts to execute a report (for example, by using the KE30 transaction), the user's permissions for that authorization object are checked. Therefore, you must adjust your permission roles accordingly. If the user does not have permission to access the object, his request is rejected. If it has a corresponding permission, the display will be restricted to the permitted area. Access is still allowed for all characteristics or value fields that are not defined as fields of the authorization object.
Coordinate authorisation management in customer-owned programmes
If a release change occurs, the adjustment of permissions is also required as a rework. You will have already learned that this task can be very complex. Many innovations make this work easier and make the whole process more transparent. In the event of a release change, not only new applications are often added, but also new or modified authorization objects, permission checks, and, as a result, modified suggestion values. With the SU25 transaction, you can update the suggestion values step by step and then update all the affected roles. So far, however, the transaction has been a kind of black box for you. You have performed each step without seeing how your suggestion values or roles have changed. We will now show you how to use the new features of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP to increase transparency in upgrading suggestion values and mixing PFCG roles.

Protect your system from unauthorised calls to RFC function blocks from the S_RFC authorization object by obtaining the necessary permissions using the statistical usage data. In many organisations, the primary focus in the permission environment is on protecting dialogue access. For each required transaction, you decide in detail which groups of people are allowed access. It is often overlooked that the critical S_RFC privilege object requires an analogue permission assignment. If the RFC (Remote Function Call) external access permissions are unneatly defined and assigned to the users, the S_TCODE authorization object quickly bypasses the primary protection for bootable applications.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

Customised programmes or customisations in the SAP Code Inspector ensure that all developers working in the company comply with these guidelines.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

We therefore always recommend that you prevent access to the system by setting the validity of users.
SAP Corner
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