Consolidate user-level role mapping
Even if key users (department users/application support) do not have to develop their own authorization objects and cooperation with SAP Basis is always advantageous, there are often technical questions such as "Which users have authorization to evaluate a specific cost center or internal order?
A troublesome scenario you're probably familiar with: You will soon be going live with a new business process and must now derive your roles in 97 accounting circles. Here eCATT can make your life easier. It's time again: If you don't have anyone in your department who likes to press the Copy button for several hours in the PFCG transaction, replace the Derive shortcut, and then customise the Organisation Levels (Origen) in the new roles on the Permissions tab (repeatedly connected to memory), the job will hang on you. Because there is hardly anything more boring, at the latest after one hour the first errors creep in. Whenever you have to roll out new roles, for example for your new premium business, to all your divisions, plants, etc. , the creation of the derived roles is tedious - because SAP does not offer smart mass maintenance.
In the simulation overview you will now receive all the information you already know from the authorisation maintenance in the transaction PFCG. The results are presented in a table where each row corresponds to a value interval of a permission. The Object column specifies the authorization object. Use the Active/Inactive column to determine if the permission has been disabled. The Maintenance Status and Update Status columns provide information about the status of the permission and how the permission has been updated. In the Permissions Comparison column, you can find out what exactly changed on the permission, such as whether a permission has been deleted or added anew, or whether the field values in the permission have been updated. You can find information about the field values in the Value Comparison column, which shows whether values have remained the same, whether they have been added or deleted. The values that were actually deleted and added can be seen in the columns from Value to Value (see figure next page). Please note that this is only a simulation. You must still perform the actual mixing process in the permission maintenance. Because reel mixing is not only a factor in upgrade work, the transaction SUPC also provides the ability to call this simulation mode. In the overview of the selected rolls you will find the button Mix which simulates the mixing process.
Standard authorisation
In the SAP system, passwords are locked when the maximum number of allowed password login errors is reached. This counter is reset with a password each time you successfully log in. In addition, an initial password can be locked when its validity has expired. Both the validity of the initial password and the maximum value for password login errors are set using profile parameters. For details, see Tip 4, "Set password parameters and valid passwords characters". A password lock only prevents a user from logging in via his password, because the number of errors is only evaluated if the login is done by password. If a login is now made via other authentication methods (such as SSO), these are not affected by the password lock. This also applies to internal expiration procedures (such as background jobs) because you do not need to register a password. This prevents, for example, denial-of-service attacks, which first cause a password to be locked in order to block internal processes. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regel gibt es allerdings: Auch wenn andere Authentifizierungsverfahren genutzt werden, prüft das System, ob der Benutzer dazu in der Lage ist, sich mit einem Passwort anzumelden. Wenn dies der Fall ist und das Passwort gerade geändert werden muss, wird diese Änderung vom Benutzer abgefragt. Diese Abfrage können Sie aber auch mithilfe des Profilparameters login/password_change_for_SSO ausschalten.
The first two problems can be solved by inserting the correction from SAP Note 1614407. The profile data will not be added to the bill of materials at the time of the roll recording but only when the transport order is released. This ensures consistency between the role's permission data and its profile data. The shared transport job also contains the complete history of changes to the profiles and permissions, so that obsolete data can also be deleted in the target systems.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
The Variables 1 tab displays the variables with the respective values used for this eligibility check.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
The best practice measure in this case is to use SAP BAPIs.