SAP Authorizations Customise SAP_ALL Profile Contents - SAP Corner

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Customise SAP_ALL Profile Contents
Unclear responsibilities, especially between business and IT
No matter what the reason, it is quickly said that a new authorization concept is needed. But this is not always the case. And if it is, the question is which authorization concept in SAP HCM is the right one. Yes, exactly which concept, because in SAP HCM there are three ways to implement an authorization concept.

Roles reflect access to data depending on the legitimate organisational values. This information should be part of the naming convention, as these roles differ only in their organisational but not in their functional form.
Hash values of user passwords
Incorrect use of the user types and password rules can result in the shutdown of the RFC interfaces. Find out what types of users you can use and how the password rules affect these types of users. In the SAP system, you can choose between different user types when creating users. These user types control the login behaviour and also the impact of password rules on the user. This can lead to undesirable behaviour, especially if the parameter for the validity of the initial password is set. It is often not known that the password rules also apply to users of the communication type. Communication users usually use an initial password because a dialogue is not possible and the password is not changed. If parameters for the validity of the initial password are now also introduced, these also apply to communication users. We will show you how to prevent such problems and give you an overview of the types of users and the impact of the password rules.

You want to maintain suggestion values for existing applications, but are you tired of the time-consuming manual maintenance? There's a new way! Maintenance of proposed values can vary greatly depending on company specifications or security guidelines. Depending on the requirements, the suggested values provided by SAP may be sufficient or need to be supplemented.

However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".

This representation has been chosen to show the differences in the classification of user types, because, despite the Global setting for the distribution parameter of the licence data (in the transaction SCUM), the settings in the ZBV may differ from those of the subsidiary system.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

The rsau/max_diskspace/local parameter is obsolete in this case, but remains active if the other two parameters are not maintained.
SAP Corner
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