Eligibility proposal values
Authorizations in SAP BW, HANA and BW/4HANA
It must be clarified in advance what constitutes a recognized "emergency" in the first place and which scenarios do not yet justify activating the highly privileged user. In addition, it may only be approved and activated after a justified request and only under the dual control principle. After use, it must be administratively blocked again immediately.
When creating the permission concept, a naming convention is defined for PFCG roles. Every customer has his own preferences or specifications, which must be adhered to. According to our project experience, some naming conventions are particularly attractive. Naming conventions for PFCG roles can be very diverse. You will have noticed that even the roles provided by SAP do not correspond to a uniform naming convention. So there are roles whose names start with SAP_. There are also roles, such as for the SRM system, that start with the /SAPSRM/ namespace. In this tip we would like to give you some hints and criteria that you can use to help define a naming convention of PFCG roles.
Create order through role-based permissions
Unlike the EWA, the SOS is able to list users that require extensive permissions. So you can maintain a whitelist. We recommend that you deal with the results of the SOS as follows: Verify that all identified users require critical permission. Complete the users who need this permission in the whitelist. Remove this permission from other users.
Check to see if there are any corrective recommendations to follow for your release. We recommend that you run the SU24_AUTO_REPAIR correction report before executing the transaction SU25 (see tip 38, "Use the SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly"). If necessary, run this report in the old lease, but in any case before importing the new proposal values. Use the test mode of the report to look at possible corrections in advance. In addition, to ensure that you do not lose information with your upgrade work, you can write and release the data from the SU24 transaction on step 3 (customer table transport) in the SU25 transaction to a transport order. This way, a backup of your SU24 data is made. Now the upgrade work can begin. Warning: Do not perform step 1 (customer tables were initially filled), because this overwrites the USOBT_C and USOBX_C customer tables, i.e. the SU24 data, completely with the SAP suggestion values. However, you want to keep your SU24 data and add to the proposed changes for the new release!
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
In addition, UCON offers the possibility to review the configuration in an evaluation phase.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page www.sap-corner.de.
However, you should not use this user for them, nor for batch processes, but you must create other users for these applications.