ICS for business processes in SAP systems
Statistical data of other users
Each pass of the profile generator collects all the permission suggestions from the SU24 transaction to a transaction added through the role menu of the single role and checks the permissions to be added to the permission list. The following effect is to add transactions to a role when the added transaction is announced through the role menu of the role and various criteria are met.
Do you have considerable care effort due to additional roles that you cannot deduce? Create a new organisational level to solve your problems. In the SAP system, you can create derived roles for specific fields in authorization objects. This is possible only if these fields are organisation levels. Unfortunately, not all fields that you need as an organisation level are laid down in the standard as such, such as the cost centre. It may also be that you only use one sales organisation in your company and would therefore like to define the sales office. So there are several reasons why you want to define a field as an organisational level. We will explain how this works and what you need to consider.
User master data
Create a function block in the Customer Name Room. You can choose the supplied SAMPLE_INTERFACE_00001650 as the template. For us, it has proven itself, in the name of the new function block, the name BTE and the number of the template (here: 1650).
You use the RSUSR010 report and you do not see all transaction codes associated with the user or role. How can that be? The various reports of the user information system (SUIM) allow you to evaluate the users, permissions and profiles in the SAP system. One of these reports, the RSUSR010 report, shows you all executable transactions for a user, role, profile, or permission. Users of the report are often unsure about what this report actually displays, because the results do not necessarily correspond to the eligible transactions. Therefore, we clarify in the following which data are evaluated for this report and how these deviations can occur.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
This forces us to think about what the actual requirements of the application are and then describe the possible implementation.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website www.sap-corner.de.
S_DATASET authorization object: The permissions for the access type, file name, and calling programme are checked.