Integrate S_TABU_NAM into a Permission Concept
Change documents
Make your IMG projects more secure. We show you how to create customising permissions for individual projects or project views, thereby limiting access. With the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG), there is a tool that allows you to customise your SAP system to suit your business needs. You can manage access to projects in the IMG via customising permissions and thus limit the user circle. You grant the members of an SAP project team the permissions they need to support the project. Below we show you how to create customising permissions by mapping to the IMG projects.
However, a full SAP security audit does not end here. In addition, the auditor examines whether the four important concepts of SAP Security, namely the data ownership concept, the proprietary development concept, the authorization concept and the emergency user concept, meet the requirements. Each of them should represent a fully formulated document that, on the one hand, contains all the target specifications for the respective topic and, on the other hand, is consistent with the actual state found during the audit.
Customise evaluation paths in SAP CRM for indirect role mapping
If you have a Central User Administration (ZBV) in use, there are certain dependencies between the base release of your ZBV and the base release of the subsidiary systems. Check the compatibility of your systems before setting the login/password_downwards_ compatibility profile parameter. For details on the technical dependencies between releases, see SAP Note 1458262.
The audit result lists the vulnerabilities by priority, with a high priority combined with a high hit safety of a finding and a low priority combined with low hit safety. In addition, more information is available within the ABAP editor at each location. This priority indicator helps you to identify whether a false positive or an actual security problem is present. Priorities 1 and 2 are very likely to be a genuine reference. The tool provides recommendations on how to modify the source code to correct the vulnerabilities. In addition to the individual checks for individual developers, the tool also offers mass checks, for example to check an entire application for vulnerabilities in one step.
If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.
These applications must therefore be included in the PFCG rolls.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
In the Manual Adjustment section of selected roles, you can create roles from manually created profiles, generate SAP_NEW (see Tip 64, "Use SAP_NEW correctly"), or generate SAP_APP as roles.