SAP Authorizations Limit character set for user ID - SAP Corner

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Limit character set for user ID
Adjust tax audit read permissions for each fiscal year
Have you ever wondered who has critical permissions in your system? Have you lacked the tool and approach to identify these users? The user system in an SAP system is always connected to a permission assignment. Over the life cycle of a user in the SAPS system, more and more permissions are accumulated if they are not withdrawn once they are no longer needed. This accumulation is bound to result in users being able to perform more actions than you would like as the permission administrator. To avoid this, we want to give you a suitable tool.

The RESPAREA field has a maintenance dialogue that allows you to enter areas of responsibility. The care dialogue is called as a building block and provides different tabs for input depending on the authorization object. Now, if you declare the RESPAREA field to be the organisation level, you must first set the display of the tabs for input in customising. To do this, you must add an entry to the KBEROBJ table that is independent of the client by using the SE16 transaction. In this entry, leave the first OBJECT field blank. The CURRENTOBJ field must be maintained because it defines the tab that will be displayed when the maintenance is called, i.e. the Default tab. If this field is blank, no startup image can be found and errors occur. The following fields determine the contents of the various tabs and should therefore also be maintained so that you can use RESPAREA as an organisational level. These are the OBJECT1 to OBJECT7 fields for the first to the seventh tab. In these seven fields, you define what values you can enter on the tabs.
SAP delivers authorization objects for Records and Case Management, which you can use to control access to records, cases, documents, and incoming mail items for individual organizational units in your organizational plan in conjunction with corresponding Customizing settings. SAP delivers predefined roles that contain clearly defined authorizations for the respective task areas of the employees. Among other things, these roles also contain the authorization objects for Records Management and Case Management. You can use the roles as a template for your own roles and adapt them to your requirements.

This role is now available for you to assign to users. As a design-time object, you can transport this role via the HANA-owned Transport Service (HALM) or via the SAP Solution Manager with the CTS+ extension. After transport to the target system, this role is activated as a runtime object. You can assign HANA roles via both SAP HANA Studio and SAP Identity Management.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

Armed with this information, it goes to the conceptual work.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

Software license management is essential to get an accurate overview of all SAP transactions.
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