SAP Authorizations List of required organisational levels and their value - SAP Corner

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List of required organisational levels and their value
Authorization check
If you set the profile parameter dynamically, no users are logged out of the application server. You can prepare maintenance work in good time. The value 2 in the profile parameter does not prevent the login with the emergency user SAP*, if this is not set as user master record and the profile parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar is set to 0. You can also change the value of the parameter again at the operating system level. For details on the SAP user, see Tip 91, "Handling the default users and their initial passwords".

Of course, these objects can be adapted to the requirements of a company at any time. If a new program is required in the namespace of a company, the programmer decides which authorization objects should be checked in this program. If the standard objects do not meet the desired requirements, the programmer can create his own authorization objects that contain the required authorization fields.
Temporarily disable Central User Management
The same applies to the concept of data ownership. Here, a person takes responsibility for the data of a certain scope (e.g., SAP system X or system landscape Y) and looks after it as if it were his own precious possession. He or she conscientiously answers questions such as "May data be changed / viewed / deleted?", "How is action taken in the event of a data leak?", "Who may access the data and how, and what may be done with it?".

Authorization: An authorization allows a user to perform a specific activity in the SAP system based on a set of authorization object field values. Authorizations allow users to perform actions within the system.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

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At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.

Use the test mode of the report to look at possible corrections in advance.
SAP Corner
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