Organisational allocation
In SAP systems you always have the possibility to integrate custom developments. In such extensions or your own programmes, you must implement permission checks and may also create your own authorization objects. You can also supplement authorisation checks in standard transactions if the existing checks do not cover your requirements.
You can't keep an eye on everything. Therefore, avoid that your colleagues do not assign users to a user group, and thus ensure that the user master data maintenance permissions check is correct. You do not want a user without a user group to be able to be created in your SAP systems? Users without a user group can be changed by all administrators with permission for any user group. You should also prevent incomplete permission checks when assigning roles and profiles to users without a permission group. Because it is possible to assign roles and permissions to a user first, and then assign a user group that does not have permission to assign roles and profiles. Finally, do you want to change the user group for an existing user without having permission for the new user group? In the following section we will show you how to secure your user master data maintenance.
Automatically pre-document user master data
However, if a company does not have a concept for introducing new SAP authorizations and these are always coupled with new roles, the roles and authorizations will continue to grow. New modules, new processes and new user groups very quickly lead to many authorization groups, numerous authorization roles and complex documentation - even assuming the ideal case that companies have used Excel, for example, for all previous implementations and enhancements and have kept the documentation up to date. What is the purpose of a role? Which user has which authorization? Due to the amount of roles and authorizations, it quickly becomes confusing for users. System performance also suffers as the amount of data increases.
Applications use the ABAP statement AUTHORITY-CHECK in the source code of the program to check whether the user has the appropriate authorizations and whether these authorizations are defined appropriately, that is, whether the user administrator has assigned the values required by the programmer for the fields. In this way, you can also protect transactions that are indirectly accessed by other programs. AUTHORITY-CHECK searches the profiles specified in the user master record for authorizations for the authorization object specified in the AUTHORITY-CHECK statement. If one of the determined authorizations matches one of the specified values, the check was successful.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
On the one hand, SAP default audit structures are offered, and on the other hand, you have the possibility to create custom audit structures as area menus.
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
Note that you have a maximum of ten characters for the name.