Our services in the area of SAP authorizations
Advantages of authorization concepts
A manual comparison of role texts in an SAP system landscape with ZBV is very annoying. You can also automate the sync. I'm sure you know this. When creating or maintaining users in the Central User Administration (ZBV), you must manually start the text matching each time before assigning PFCG roles to provide you with the latest PFCG role definitions. Managing a large system landscape with many systems in your ZBV - including development, test and production systems - the text comparison can take a while.
Insert SAP Notes 1656965 and 1793961 into your system. With these hints, the report RSUSR_LOCK_USERS is delivered or extended. This report supports automatic selection and blocking of inactive users. To do this, you have to select the criteria in the selection screen of the RSUSR_LOCK_USERS report, according to which you want to lock or invalidate users. You can determine the choice of users by using various criteria. It is recommended to take into account the period since the last login in the Days since last login field and the password status in the Days since password change field. You have the option to check the result of the selection and view the users found. To do this, select the Test of Selection action in the Select Action pane. You can also choose between the User Lock-outs (Local Lock-outs) and User Unlock (Local Lock-outs) actions in this area. You can set the end of a user's validity by clicking the corresponding options for "today" or "yesterday". Note that you can only set the validity for current users.
Get an overview of the organisations and their dependencies maintained in the system
Some queries are also a bit complicated with the SUIM transaction. With SAP Query, you can quickly assemble queries that enable individual and more complex data evaluations. Do you want to know quickly which valid users currently have a modified access to a particular table, or what roles are users granted permission for a particular transaction? The SAP standard tool, the user information system, is an excellent solution for this type of data retrieval. However, at the latest during the next review, targeted queries with data combinations - and thus several SUIM query sequences - must be delivered within a short time. SAP queries can facilitate this task. An SAP Query is essentially a clear way to scan tables for specific data away from the SE16 transaction. There is the possibility to link multiple tables (join), which makes multiple SE16 queries just one SAP query. For example, if you want to know what roles users are entitled to perform the SCC4 transaction, you can use the SUIM transaction to query to determine which users can perform the transaction and view the roles that enable it in another query, but there is no result that shows both.
Eligibility objects that were visible in the permission trace are quickly inserted in rolls. But are they really necessary? Are these possibly even critical permissions? A review of the Permissions Concept can reveal that critical permissions are in your end-user roles. We would like to give you some examples of critical permissions in this tip. It is helpful to know which authorization objects are covered by the critical permissions. They must also ask themselves whether the granting of these allowances entails risks.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
Set a specific acronym or character to indicate whether your role has critical accesses so that separate assignment or approval rules can be observed for such roles.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page www.sap-corner.de.
If necessary, run this report in the old lease, but in any case before importing the new proposal values.