Rebuilding the authorization concept
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The security audit log is evaluated via the SM20 or SM20N transaction or the RSAU_SELECT_EVENTS report. We recommend using the report as you have more options to personalise the evaluation and to include archived logs of different application servers in the evaluation.
The authorization objects are attached by analogy to the forecast and item-based reports. The authorization objects of the item-based reports are checked in addition to the authorization objects for the information system when the report is selected. There is a trick in maintaining the CO-PA-specific authorization objects, because a once selected result area is set for the entire session of your login. This is of course hindering the maintenance of authorization objects for different result areas. Therefore, simply change the result area in the Customising window using the following path: Controlling > Income and market segment accounting > Structures > Set result area.
Use table editing authorization objects
The organisation of a company is represented in the SAP system. Keep an overview here to identify dependencies and control access permissions in an organisation-specific way. In customising, different organisational values are stored for the individual ERP components to enable an organisational mapping of the root and movement data. This mapping is required, among other things, to control access permissions or constraints. We will show you how you can get an overview of the well-maintained organisational units and see dependencies between the different organisational values.
If you have created your own applications, we recommend that you always implement your own permission check and do not just rely on application startup permissions such as S_TCODE, S_START, S_SERVICE, and S_RFC. If you want to add your own checks to standard applications, you must first find the appropriate place to implement the check. To develop without modification, SAP offers user-exits or business add-ins (BAdIs) for such cases. Some SAP applications also have their own frameworks in place that allow customisation-free implementation of their own permission checks, such as the Access Control Engine (ACE) in SAP CRM.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
However, this is particularly relevant for tax audits.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
Since we do not know the format in which eCATT needs the input values, it is helpful to download it first.