SAP Authorizations Set password parameters and valid password characters - SAP Corner

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Set password parameters and valid password characters
Correct settings of the essential parameters
Now check the SY-SUBRC system variable. If the value is 0, the Permissions Check succeeded. If the value is 4, the test did not pass. At a value of 8, there is an inconsistency in the definition of the authorization object and the verification in the code - this should not happen! If the value is 12, the permission is not part of your permission buffer.

Look closely at the security advisory so that you can identify the affected programmes or functions and schedule appropriate application tests. Use a test implementation in the SNOTE transaction to identify additional SAP hints that are required for a security advisory and may also contain functional changes.
Query Data from Active Directory
Structural authorizations work with SAP HCM Organizational Management. They primarily define who can be seen, but not what can be seen, based on evaluation paths in the org tree. Therefore, structural authorizations should only be used together with general authorizations. The determination works via a so-called authorization profile. In this profile, the evaluation paths are used to define how to search on the org tree. Function modules can also be stored, which can be used to determine objects from Organizational Management using any criteria. This makes the structural authorizations very flexible.

The second example requires additional permission checks to display certain documents in the FBL*N transactions. This can be achieved by means of the expression and activation of a function block in the BTE, the so-called processes and events. The sample function module BTE for the event 1650 can be found in the FIBF transaction in the area of Publish-&-Subscribe interfaces (Environment > Information System (P/S)). The sample function module is basically used to enrich data in the item display. To do this, he passes the complete record per document line and expects it to be enriched back. This is exactly what we are using.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

The second example requires additional permission checks to display certain documents in the FBL*N transactions.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

Then you create a subroutine with the same name as the User-Exit definition and programme your customised checks (for example, for specific data constellations or permissions).
SAP Corner
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