Set up permission to access Web Dynpro applications using S_START
Assign SAP_NEW to Test
A user trace is therefore also a trace over a longer period of time. Currency of the trace execution, the authorization check is recorded exactly once for each user.
In the SAP system, passwords are locked when the maximum number of allowed password login errors is reached. This counter is reset with a password each time you successfully log in. In addition, an initial password can be locked when its validity has expired. Both the validity of the initial password and the maximum value for password login errors are set using profile parameters. For details, see Tip 4, "Set password parameters and valid passwords characters". A password lock only prevents a user from logging in via his password, because the number of errors is only evaluated if the login is done by password. If a login is now made via other authentication methods (such as SSO), these are not affected by the password lock. This also applies to internal expiration procedures (such as background jobs) because you do not need to register a password. This prevents, for example, denial-of-service attacks, which first cause a password to be locked in order to block internal processes. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regel gibt es allerdings: Auch wenn andere Authentifizierungsverfahren genutzt werden, prüft das System, ob der Benutzer dazu in der Lage ist, sich mit einem Passwort anzumelden. Wenn dies der Fall ist und das Passwort gerade geändert werden muss, wird diese Änderung vom Benutzer abgefragt. Diese Abfrage können Sie aber auch mithilfe des Profilparameters login/password_change_for_SSO ausschalten.
Consolidate user-level role mapping
In each filter, you can define for which clients and users events should be recorded. You can record the events depending on their audit class or categorisation, or you can select them directly via the detail setting. For the Client and User selection criteria, you can use generic values, i.e. you can select all clients or users that meet specific naming criteria (e.g., Client 10* or User SOS_*). For example, you can filter the loggers of multiple emergency users.
With regard to the SAP authorization system, roles and the associated authorization objects, fields and values represent the foundation. Therefore, these check criteria are in the special focus of the authorization analysis of security-relevant characteristics of each authorization administrator. The report RSUSRAUTH is used to display role or authorization data in the respective client. The report analyzes all role data that are anchored in the table AGR_1251. This allows you to quickly find and clean up incorrect and security-critical authorizations not only by selecting the maintenance status of the authorizations, but above all by storing certain authorization objects and controlling them. This ad hoc analysis thus offers you a time-saving method of checking many roles at once according to your own critical characteristics. You can then make full use of this program by importing SAP Note 2069683.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
You can also apply this procedure to other BTEs that pass data in a similar form.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
As a role developer, you can now select the specific application in the PFCG transaction from the list of web dynpro applications published by the software developers on the Menu tab and enter it in the Role menu.