Take advantage of roll transport feature improvements
Include customising tables in the IMG
Other dangers include admins simply copying user roles, not having control processes for permission assignments, or not following the processes over time. In this context, two things should be clarified: Which SAP user is allowed to access which data? How do the roles differ (especially if they are similar)?
The customising objects you have just created are now integrated into your own IMG structure. To do this, open the SIMGH transaction again, call your structure in Change mode, and paste it under the previously created folder by selecting Action > Insert a Level Lower. You should already create a documentation of the same name with the installation of the Customising objects. To do this, select the Create button on the Document tab and write a text to save it and then activate it.
Perform upgrade rework for Y landscapes permission proposal values
From the result of the statistical usage data, you can see which transactions (ENTRY_ID) were used, how often (COUNTER), and how many different users. There are various indications from this information. For example, transactions that were used only once by a user within 12 months could indicate a very privileged user, or inadvertently invoking a transaction for which a user has permissions. The future assignment of such transactions in the SAP role concept should then be critically questioned. In contrast, you should consider transactions with a high level of usage and a large user circle (e.g. with more than ten users) in an SAP role concept.
Configuration validation gives you an overview of the homogeneity of your system landscape. Typical criteria are operating system versions, kernel patch levels, and the status of specific transport jobs or security settings. The following security settings can be monitored using configuration validation: Gateway settings, profile parameters, security notes, permissions. As part of the comparison, you can define rules that determine whether the configuration is rule-compliant or not. If the configuration meets the defined values in the rule, it will be assigned Conform status. You can then evaluate this status through reporting.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
The descriptive texts to the tables can be found in the table DD02T.
At www.sap-corner.de you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
For even more extensive operations on jobs, there must be an authorization for object S_BTCH_ADM, in which the field BTCADMIN (identifier for the batch administrator) has the value 'Y'.