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First, the Web application developers must implement appropriate permission checks and make PFCG available for use in role maintenance in the transaction. This includes the maintenance of proposed values in the transaction SU22. The SAP Note 1413012 (new reusable startup authorisation check) provides all the necessary details.
Set a specific acronym or character to indicate whether your role has critical accesses so that separate assignment or approval rules can be observed for such roles. Define here what"critical"means for your project. Do you only want to identify permissions that are critical to the operation of the SAP system, or business-critical processes? Also define the consistency that has a critical role to play in the assignment to the user.
I show how SAP authorizations can be assessed and monitored by using the Three Lines of Defense model. This method can be applied even if the model is not used for all enterprise risks. You will learn how to integrate the different stakeholders into the lines of defense and harmonize the knowledge for the process. Also, what tools can be used for controls and cleanups in each case. This ensures, for example, that managers are able to assess the risks and derive measures, and that administrators can technically clean up the risks.
Consulting firms adjust the roles and authorizations in retrospect. This usually means "making the best of it" and making ad hoc adjustments - in other words, not fixing the root cause and cleaning up from scratch. Companies should therefore ask themselves: how can this be avoided? What requirements must a DSGVO-compliant authorization concept fulfill? How can we remain meaningful regarding the authorizations of specific individuals in the system and the purpose of the authorizations?
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
You may have seen that a screenshot from the SU53 transaction shows a missing permission for typical base authorization objects, such as S_ADMI_FCD, S_CTS_ADMI, or S_TRANSLAT, but you know that your check has nothing to do with the actual permissions problem in the application.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website www.sap-corner.de.
In this tip we would like to give you some hints and criteria that you can use to help define a naming convention of PFCG roles.