SAP Authorizations Using eCATT to maintain roles - SAP Corner

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Using eCATT to maintain roles
Challenges in authorization management
Today we come to the error analysis with authorizations. The best thing that can happen is the error of the type: "I don't have authorization to do this and that!" (CASE1). Worse is the case that someone has too many permissions, i.e. the type: "User xy should not have this permission anymore" (CASE2). How to proceed? First of all we come to case 1 This case, that someone has no authorization for something, supports the system excellently! The code word is SU53! If a transaction encounters an authorization error, then this error is written to a memory area that can be displayed. For this there is once the transaction SU53 or the menu selection "System/Utilities/Anc authorization check". With this function, the system outputs information showing which authorization objects are missing for the user.

Two equal permissions that meet the first maintenance status condition are also combined when all the values of the two permissions differ in one field or when a permission with all its fields is included in the other. However, if there are open permission fields in a permission, they will not be combined unless all permission fields in the permission values are the same.
Advantages of authorization concepts
After defining the roles and generating the corresponding authorization profiles, the individual persons in the company are then assigned to the roles. In the process, the so-called user comparison takes place and the role-specific authorizations are stored in the user master record. The master record contains all information about an SAP user, including authorizations.

Trace after missing permissions: Run the System Trace for Permissions (ST01 or STAUTHTRACE transaction) to record permission checks that you want to include in the role (see Tip 31, "Optimise Trace Evaluation"). Applications are logged through the Launch Permissions checks.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

To do this, you first create the PFCG role for the relevant transactions in the target system.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

However, since the associated standard passwords can be quickly researched, they must be changed immediately after delivery of the SAP ERP.
SAP Corner
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