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Today, many companies still know that SAP users primarily only know the SAP interface they work with on a daily basis. If there is a problem that SAP users cannot solve themselves, they must report it and hope for quick help.
As a customer you are the most important visitor in our house. They don't depend on us. We depend on you. You as a customer are the most important part of our business. That's why you always have priority. John Russell, President of Harley Davidson, once said: "The more you engage with customers, the clearer it becomes to see what you should do." In accordance with this motto, we constantly try to improve our service in exchange with you. Bring your systems to peak performance. Now make the most of your SAP software. Our service and support offerings include support plans, on-site support from our team and remote support.
Managing and measuring innovation in an innovation strategy
With "Next-Generation Support", SAP promises its customers self-service components, digital interaction with support in real time, a particularly good digital customer experience, for example through build-in support with the help of SAP CoPilot, and the use of innovations such as AI and Machine Learning. Objective: Enquiries should be answered in real-time, as far as possible, as a prerequisite for real-time business models. At the DSAG Annual Congress 2018, I wanted to know from Andreas Heckmann, Head of SAP Support, what support services SAP customers will need in the future, how SAP will support end-to-end digital processes in hybrid systems, where the differences between ECC and SAP S/4HANA support requests lie, and what impact innovations (machine learning, AI, predictive analytics, ...) have on SAP support.
As part of the introduction of the SAP S4/HANA system, we will be at your service for your assistance with questions about SAP. Service management will be the one-stop-shop for any type of enquiry regarding the various SAP modules. There, the employees are available as a service from the Go-Live of the respective application and clarify problems, enquiries etc..
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many SAP support tasks much easier.
Benefit from our long-term project experience in the SAP Customer Experience environment and the resulting knowledge base!
SAP users do not necessarily know why something is not working.