customer area
Cyber security and compliance
As a customer you are the most important visitor in our house. They don't depend on us. We depend on you. You as a customer are the most important part of our business. That's why you always have priority. John Russell, President of Harley Davidson, once said: "The more you engage with customers, the clearer it becomes to see what you should do." In accordance with this motto, we constantly try to improve our service in exchange with you. Bring your systems to peak performance. Now make the most of your SAP software. Our service and support offerings include support plans, on-site support from our team and remote support.
By delegating your SAP application management to a trusted AMS vendor, you enable your internal IT department to focus on its core competencies and realise innovation. This way, you can relieve the burden on your professionals and give them the opportunity to focus on more strategic tasks.
Software Service for SAP (SAP BASIS)
Our ORBIS-AMS-Agents will support your key users in all questions and problems related to daily business in your applications and SAP applications in jointly defined processes. You are relieving your IT department, which can focus more on innovation and new business requirements. The advantage is clear! Our detailed analyses and reports provide your organisation and management with the necessary information to identify weaknesses in processes and the need for additional process know-how in the implemented application. Through targeted training and process optimisation, you will be able to continuously improve the processes of your application in your company.
This growth continues to challenge the company's IT. This includes not only the connection of new sites and the introduction of new systems and functions. The day-to-day business will also continue to be managed - from ensuring the smooth operation of applications and networks to supporting users at the sites.
The "Shortcut for SAP Systems" tool is an excellent tool for handling many tasks in SAP Support more easily and quickly.
In the future, SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS08 (SPS07 only with additional information) will be required here.
This includes the "Call 1 SAP" freephone number, which will be available in the second quarter of 2014.